Recording, Editing, Mixing and Mastering. Our experienced producer team will support you throughout every step in this process.
We take care of all your needs to get guarantee a high quality production of your songs.
Mixing is the most important step in every production. We mix your songs as heavy and transparent as modern Major Label productions.
We can take your tracks you've recorded in any studio and take it to the next level.
Mastering is the final step for your production. We guarantee your master will sound transparent and clear with the right amount of dynamic on every device.
We are dedicated to deliver transparent, punchy and loud masters for a commercial volume level.

Starting as a guitar player, becoming a singer/screamer and continuing as an engineer. Marcel dedicated his whole life into music and is constantly evolving.
His dedication into heavy music and the journey to get the most crushing sounds led to only one possible outcome: Help bands to get the heaviest mixes for their songs.
He is specialised in working with local newcomer bands in all heavy genres!
International bands are offered with mixing and mastering services that can be attended via our unique worldwide live stream service.

You desire hard hitting mixes for your songs?